The bow tie is considered a symbol of sophistication. It is a men's necktie usually worn with formal attire such as suits or dinner jackets. What's most appealing about a boy's tie is that it's both old-fashioned and somehow clearly current. You can't loosen it like you do for a necktie. The bow tie is more formal right down to the knot. This may appeal mostly to formalists while others can see it as a reason to drive a gold tie tack through its knotted heart.

The boy's tie comes with a ribbon of fabric, which is tied around the collar in a symmetrical manner such that the opposites ends form a loop. You also get the ready-made bow tie in which the distinctive bow is sewn into shape and the band around the neck incorporates a clip. The pre tied bow tie has come a long way but bow ties new fans fancy more in tying than having it look perfect with the pre tied one.

Boy's Bowties - For the Formal Attire

Boy's ties may be made of any fabric material, but most are made from cotton, silk, polyester or a mix of fabrics. Some fabrics like wool are very less common in bow ties when compared to the ordinary necktie. The most traditional bow ties are generally fixed in length and are made for a specific neck size. The size varies in between 14-20 inches just like a comparable shirt collar. Boy's ties usually come with fixed lengths and adjustable lengths where fixed length suits for formal wing collar shirts and adjustable length suits for less formal turn down collar shirts. They tend to be associated with particular professions like architects, attorneys, university professors and politicians.

The process of tying a bow tie may not be an easy task but can definitely be learned with practice. Begin by draping the tie around your neck. The end on your left should be about 1 1/2 inches shorter than the end on your right and then cross the long end over the short end. Pass the long end up through the loop and hold the hanging end and fold back to form a loop between your thumb and index finger to make the front of the tie. Now draw the left end of the tie over the front of the bow and form a loop with the left end also. Put this loop behind the front loop so that it faces the opposite direction and pinch the two loops together and push the second loop into the knot behind the front loop. Untie the knot by pulling the tails or tighten it by pulling the loops.

Boy's tie is generally less worn when compared with the necktie. It's better to rent a bow tie if you do not use it frequently as you may have a choice of selecting from different colours and also guarantee a perfect fit.




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